Fall 2015 - Canada has entered official recession

Fall Lawn Preparations

Fall is the best time to prepare your lawn so it survives over winter.

Here are some tips to keep your lawn happy for the next few months:

  • Aerate your lawn in the fall to allow for proper drainage during high rainfall second half of the year (we especially need this in Vancouver!)
    • Aeration tools pull up plugs of grass and soil, which allows water, oxygen, and nutrients to reach the roots and gives seeds room to sprout.
  • During the cold months, avoid cutting your lawn as that puts stress on the grass
    • Leave your grass about 3 inches tall for your last mow of the season
  • Fertilize in late fall to help your plants survive over hibernation
    • This will encourage the lawn to grow green and lush come springtime. It helps to find a fertilizer with high phosphorous content, which is critical for root growth

These preventative measures are part of owner’s responsibilities. If you would like assistance with fall lawn preparation, please contact admin@NobleHomes.ca or 604.264.1001 ext.125 for more information!